What students say about us

What our students
say about LEAP

We have high expectations of our students and aim to support them in achieving their ambitions. 

Please see below what past and present LEAP students say about their time at London East AP.

'Coming to London East AP has changed me a lot; it has made me realise a lot of things about myself. Most people would think it's a bad place to go, but honestly it's not. During my 5 years in secondary education, London East AP has been the best thing to happen to me. The teacher's were like family to me. They were always there, and I am so grateful to have met them.'

- Shazna, school leaver

'It's a nice friendly environment and I have had a good experience being at London East AP.  The teachers and staff are very kind and it feels safe here.  I have been made to feel very welcome.'
- Shab, Year 11 student

'London East AP is a relaxing learning environment; it’s not like mainstream school. Lessons are supportive and based around what you can do. The teachers are very friendly and have a good sense of humour which brightens up learning and makes it easier to learn at Harpley.'
- School leaver


'Before I came to London East AP I was feeling like I didn’t want to come here and it would ruin my education and my future.  But since I have been here for the last 2 years it has really changed my perspective.  I have got more help and support by a lot of teachers and they really encourage you to get an education so later in life you can be proud of yourself.  I have improved dramatically since I came here from not going into school to coming in every day.'
- School leaver


'People judge people that go to London East AP and think that they aren’t going to get anywhere in life.   It’s not until you come to London East AP that you realise it is a normal school and you do come out of here with an education.  I wasn’t well behaved in mainstream school and I didn’t learn much but since I have come to London East AP I’ve improved my behaviour and I participate in more things.'
- Alana, Year 11 student

'London East AP is a relaxing learning environment; it’s not like mainstream school. Lessons are supportive and based around what you can do. The teachers are very friendly and have a good sense of humour which brightens up learning and makes it easier to learn at Harpley.'
- School leaver

'People look at London East AP in a negative way, but for me it’s been helpful when things were hard.  My experiences have been that I have learnt a lot about myself.  LEAP isn’t for naughty kids but for times with there are challenges to get over.  I have realised that I am actually good at things and I didn’t realise this in mainstream school because I didn’t have good experiences.  I wasn’t attending school as much as I am now because here I feel safe.'
- Chloe, Year 11 student


'A wonderful way to say thank you to our staff, from the mum of one of our students at LEAP'









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