LEAP SEN Information

London East Alternative Provision is a multi‐site school providing alternative provision for up to 245 school‐aged children in Tower Hamlets who, for a variety of reasons, do not have a mainstream school place. Most young people are referred to one of our services by schools through the local authority. While many of our students are aged 11 to 16, we do also provide for some younger students at primary level and for some post 16 - we have recently opened a bespoke Sixth form provision for up to 24 students.

Our vision and how we hope to achieve it:

Our mission at London East Alternative Provision is to equip our students with the qualities that they will need for success whatever their destination.

To achieve this, we put high value on:

  • Fulfil the potential of all children.
  • Knowing our students, their strengths, their needs, and their progress.
  • Personalised planning, monitoring, and reviewing intervention and progress on a regular basis.
  • Developing positive and respectful relationships
  • High‐quality teaching
  • Comprehensive information, support, advice, and guidance to ensure students’ wellbeing.
  • Commitment to improved outcomes for students including improved outcomes at all levels and successful transitions in preparation for adulthood.
  • Develop a skilled workforce and leadership with ages to SEND.


How we know if a child/young person has special educational needs?

In their first week at LEAP, all students undergo Induction. This includes:

  • Consultation with schools that students have come from.
  • Consultation with any other agency working with the student.
  • A meeting with the student and their family to hear, understand and respond to their views, interests, and aspirations.
  • Comprehensive detailed assessment of the student’s academic needs
  • Comprehensive and detailed assessment of the students’ strengths and attitudes to school- though a PASS survey and SDQ (strengths and difficulties questionnaire) which are then summarised in a Pupil Profile. This is to inform teachers’ planning.

Who are the students we classify as SEN at LEAP?

  • EHCP- E- students who have an educational health care plan that must be reviewed annually- by law- this is done by the SENCOs.
  • K+- students who have a recognised diagnosis of a difficulty or are undergoing an assessment for an EHCP- this could be a mental health or a learning difficulty- or both- for example ASD/ADHD/Dyslexia.
  • K- students who need additional support- often students who present with challenges with managing themselves daily so need additional provision or adapted curriculum. These can be students who have access arrangements.

How do we further assess and plan for the needs of children on site?

  • We have a large multi-disciplinary team who meet each week to screen, signpost and intervene with any students who have been referred to the team.
  • The team also train and support staff through work discussions around student need and are committed to staff supervision.
  • In addition to this, the well-being team are also involved in whole school strategic plans for improving students’ well-being.
  • Meetings each afternoon to discuss behaviour and progress within the day.
  • All staff discussion on one child each week
  • Identification of provision and pathway
  • Safeguarding meeting once a week
  • Attendance meetings once a week
  • Access Arrangements planning

Provision for children with SEN needs:

  • Students are allocated provision in one of the following centres:
  • Tredegar Centre- Primary Provision
  • Harpley - KS3 site.
  • Harpley - KS4- Reintegration centre and KS4 Alternative Provision centre,
  • Harpley- Inclusion groups- vulnerable students
  • Harpley-KS5- 6th form centre.
  • Riverside- KS4 Alternative provision site
  • Tredegar Centre- Individual Tuition

How do we prepare for children/young people joining our school and leaving our school?

  • When students first attend London East AP, they and their parents /carers are part of a thorough Induction Process. This includes a review of referral documentation, student and parent interview, assessment of current academic levels, strengths, and needs.
  • The Induction Team guide students and parents in the curriculum choices they need to make and a pathway which they will follow at the London East AP and in their return to school.
  • Students will be placed in one of the following centres:
  • Tredegar Centre (Primary/ Individual Tuition)
  • Harpley (KS4)/ Riverside (KS4)
  • Harpley (KS3)
  • All students of primary age will come to LEAP on an off-site programme and will also remain in mainstream for part of the week. It is intended mainstream school and LEAP work closely to prepare for both admittance and reintegration of these children therefore outreach is offered to schools.
  • It is intended that students at KS3 will be reintegrated and supported to return to mainstream school. They will follow a curriculum with close pastoral support, which is designed to equip students with the skills and attitudes needed in mainstream.
  • Some of students may be assessed for additional needs and might then go to a school which is specially programmed to meet their needs.
  • All students participate in a careers programme and are also opportunities for students to attend a career’s fayre.
  • All SEND students have access to a career’s interview and students with an EHCP plan will also have a transition plan for moving onto further education.
  • In year 11 all London East AP students will work with the Key worker and a London East AP Careers Advisor, to prepare for transition to Sixth Form, College, or training in Year 12. This will include support to select appropriate courses and colleges, make applications to colleges, prepare for interviews, and attend interviews.
  • If there are concerns about student post -16 plans, they will be referred to Early Help Hub who will continue to work with them when they have left LEAP
  • Every year 11 leaver has an identified destination in further education, an apprenticeship or other training provision before they leave us.
  • We continue to track students after leaving London East AP. Some students we will aim to engage in our 6th form centre where we offer a combination of resits for maths and English alongside vocational offers.


What do the SENCOs do at each Key Stage?

  • All KS has own designated SENCO including IT.
  • There is a multi-disciplinary approach to understanding and supporting the needs of students by co-ordinating professionals and sharing this information with others - including staff and parents- to meet the needs of the students.


- Assessment of students

- Psychodynamic approach to lessons

- Outreach support for students




 - Focus on assessment,
re-engagement, and reintegration.

- Creation of EHCPs/annual reviews/IEPS

- Co-ordination of Multi-Disciplinary Team




- Focus upon academic outcomes and transition points.

- Access Arrangements in the classroom

-Oversight of inclusion groups

- Creation of EHCPs/annual reviews/IEPS

- Co-ordination of Multi-Disciplinary Team


Multi-disciplinary Team/external services offer.

Specialist external services we use when we think extra help is needed In London East AP, there are specialist staff who can meet literacy, language communication and emotional needs of students referred to us.

  • There are excellent links to external services in house present at LEAP and we meet as a team on a weekly basis to ensure that the needs of all children are being met.
  • On site we have an extended team consisting of: Social worker, parental advisor, speech and language therapists, EPs, exploitation worker/gangs co-ordinator, academic interventions tutor, YOT, Attendance and welfare officers, CAMHS, school counsellor, music therapist and other professionals who can support the holistic needs of children.
  • We can refer students to our school nurse, Safer London, Barnardo’s, Safe East or other external agencies we think will support the needs of the student, including the family. Referrals to these services can be made at any time.
  • These referrals will always be discussed with the parent and learner, prior to any additional assessment taking place.
  • If parents or students want extra support, they should speak to their Key Worker, Head of Centre or SENCO


How we check that a child / young person is making progress and how we keep parents informed:

  • Key Workers Reviews Student progress at London East AP is informed by on-going teacher assessment of academic levels and attitude to learning. These formal assessments take place three times per year and will be used to judge progress towards the desired outcomes and assess the impact of current actions and interventions.
  • If any intervention does not appear to be working when the student’s needs will be discussed at a panel meeting where an alternative intervention might be considered. The student’s parents, London East AP Key Worker and other professions are part of this discussion and action plan for the following term.
  • Pupils who are receiving 1:1 tuition have a weekly report from tutors, outlining work covered, attitude to work, attendance and punctuality. Tutors are in very regular contact with parents.
  • Formal Academic Review Days are held once a term. SENCO: Where students are not making the progress expected, they may be referred to the London East AP SENCO by their Key Worker, teacher, tutor or parent.
  • The London East AP SENCO will consider the current plan and provide advice and guidance. This might include referral of the student for more specialist assessment, e.g. of speech, language and communication needs or assessment by an educational psychologist.
  • The results of these assessments will be shared with the student, parent and London East AP staff. If there is a need for further SEN support, a request for statutory assessment might be submitted with parental approval. This could lead the student to having an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The plans are reviewed at least annually at need.

What support is offered for Teaching and Learning?

  • There is an adaptive teaching practice in the classroom and interventions for gap plugging. Our main objective is to ensure high quality teaching and learning in all classroom practice.
  • All LSAs are trained to deliver high quality support within the classroom.
  • We deliver CPD for all staff- based on need that is presenting itself as a need based on referrals.
  • All EHCP and students registered as K+ students have Individual Education Plans, which are working documents for staff that suggest relationship and teaching and learning strategies for individual children.
  • A clear Induction programme for all new staff
  • The SENCOs are attached to specific faculties and offer support and guidance for teachers.


What additional interventions are in place for students with Special Educational needs?

  • Classes are small (maximum 12 students).
  • Teachers plan lessons considering count the needs of all their students. Interventions Students will be given additional support appropriate to their needs, this may include:
  • Individual Tuition
  • In-class support
  • Small group teaching
  • LSA Support- including SEN LSA Support
  • Behaviour support in all areas
  • Target setting for all students-academic, social, and personal
  • Pupil profiles for all students detailing SEND Needs and strategies to meet those needs.
  • Counselling (In–house) •
  • Literacy Intervention (Lexonics, Lexia, Catch Up and occasional individualised tailored literacy for SPLD)
  • Numeracy intervention
  • Speech & Language support groups
  • Music therapy 1:1/small group
  • CAMHS on site
  • Speech and language therapy
  • 6th form provision

How do we give students with SEND voice?

  • All students have opportunities to have their voice heard, students have Keyworkers/Tutors who listen to their concerns and act on them. Regular contact is maintained with parents and the progress of their child is discussed on a regular basis.
  • We have an academic review day where parents are invited to speak to teachers three times a year- once a term.
  • Students with a statement of SEN or EHC plan have regular person-centred reviews which the students plan for and attend. They are invited to discuss their experiences at London East AP.
  • Students also complete a PASS survey, as well as a strengths and difficulties questionnaire on entrance and exit allowing them to reflect upon their time at LEAP.
  • Students complete regular surveys focusing on their learning experience as well as their wellbeing and personal development at LEAP.

Who to contact for more information or to discuss a concern:

  • The first point of contact for all parents and carers is their child’s Key worker whom they will have met at the beginning of their times with us.
  • If parents feel that they need to raise concerns, they will always find that our Centre Managers and other senior staff are approachable and responsive.
  • Parents wishing to discuss their child’s SEN can ask to meet our SENCO’s, Philippa Ward (KS4), Andy Richardson (IT coordinator) and Marianne DaCosta (KS3) or Assistant Head- Suzy Townsend or Deputy Head teacher- Claire Trevaskus.


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